Why JavaScript's class is Not Just Syntactic Sugar

The class syntax in JavaScript is often described as "syntactic sugar" for normal constructor functions, meaning it's just a different way of doing the same thing. But this is not entirely true. While JavaScript continues to use constructor functions to represent its version of classes - even when using the class syntax - constructors created using class are quite different from those created through normal function declarations.

A Simple Desugaring

First we'll look at a breakdown of a class-defined constructor roughly see how it would desugar into a standard JavaScript function. Given:

class Foo {}

It would be approximately equivalent to:

let Foo = function () {}

At its simplest, this is what class is doing, creating a function. As with normal function declarations, all the plumbing that is necessary for using this definition as a constructor, for example, the presence of a prototype property, is all there.

Next, a more complicated example:

class Foo {
  constructor (input) {
    this.input = input
  getInput () {
    return this.input

class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor (input) {
  getInput () {
    const input = super.getInput()
    return `Bar: ${input}`

This would roughly desugar to:

let Foo = function (input) {
  this.input = input
Foo.prototype.getInput = function () {
  return this.input

let Bar = function (input) {
  Object.getPrototypeOf(Bar).call(this, input)
Bar.prototype.getInput = function () {
  const input = Object.getPrototypeOf(Bar.prototype).getInput.call(this)
  return `Bar: ${input}`
Object.setPrototypeOf(Bar, Foo)
Object.setPrototypeOf(Bar.prototype, Foo.prototype)

Here, the details around the implementation of the inheritance becomes more apparent in the desugaring. When one class extends another, the prototype chain is updated to include that of the subclass's. The class's themselves are also linked for inheriting static definitions. Also we can see how calls with super resolve into calls from the superclass against the current instance.

For the most part, the original and the desugaring are equivalent definitions, but there are differences you should be aware of.

class Functions Are Not Callable Without new

One feature of class functions is that you are required to call them with new. Attempting to call them as normal functions will throw an error.

class Foo {}
Foo() // Error

For better or worse, this is a protection keeping you from accidentally calling constructor code against an unexpected this value. There may be cases where you might want this behavior, for example if re-using the constructor as a conversion function (not unlike what you see with String() and Number() etc.), but with the class syntax, this is not allowed.

You can emulate this behavior with the function constructor syntax (assuming you want it):

let Foo = function () {
  if (new.target === undefined) {
    throw new Error()

However, unlike the class error, this error is thrown after the call to the function is already made. For class functions, the error is thrown before the function gets a chance to be called. It's a subtle difference, but a difference nevertheless.

Note that while you cannot call a class-defined constructor as a function, it is still technically a callable. What causes the error is a specific behavior to class functions, not the fact that the function object is not callable.

class Functions Can Correctly Extend Built-ins

At a high level, there are two categories of objects in JavaScript: ordinary objects and exotic objects. Ordinary objects are objects anyone can create in JavaScript using the Object constructor or the object literal syntax ({...}) etc.. Exotic objects are special objects that have an additional internal behavior that go beyond ordinary objects.

Array objects are of the most common exotic objects. Arrays are very much like ordinary JavaScript objects except for one special property: length. The length property is unique in that it is able to automatically update based on changes to the indexed members of an array instance.

const arr = []
arr.length // 0
arr[2] = 2
arr.length // 3

Prior to the class syntax, attempts to properly extend the Array class have largely failed because of this magical property. Construction and inheritance could work, but not length.

function MyArray () {
  Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments) // super
MyArray.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype) // legacy prototype hookup
MyArray.prototype.constructor = MyArray

var myArr = new MyArray(0, 1, 2)
myArr.length // 3
myArr[3] = 3
myArr.length // 3 but expected 4

The reason for this is because the object created by the MyArray constructor is an ordinary object and the behavior of length in arrays is dependent on the behavior of an array's exotic definition.

With the class syntax, by extending Array, the instance created by the class is able to take on the exotic array behavior.

class MyArray extends Array {} // default constructor/super

var myArr = new MyArray(0, 1, 2)
myArr.length // 3
myArr[3] = 3
myArr.length // 4 as expected

The same applies to other exotic types like Date, Map, etc.. Using the class syntax, the special exotic requirements needed during initialization are automatically applied to the instance created for the class constructor.

class Function Instances Are Created From Superclasses

The biggest and probably most important difference with class constructors is how they create instances. With normal function constructors, instances are created immediately with the invocation of the constructor function. This instance object is an ordinary JavaScript object whose prototype has been set to equal the value currently referenced by the prototype property of the constructor. At this point it then becomes the responsibility of the constructor to make super-like calls to any superclasses to provide any initialization defined there.

function Foo () {}
function Bar (input) {
  // `this` created as part of new Bar() call
  Foo.call(this) // super(), using existing `this`
  this.input = input

new Bar()

With class constructors, the instance is not created immediately for the constructor, but rather provided by the superclass. In fact its this behavior that allows class-defined classes to properly extend exotic built-ins.

class Foo {}
class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor (input) {
    super() // creates `this`
    this.input = input // `this` here is determined by superclass

new Bar()

It's this behavior that causes an error if access to this is attempted prior to super (assuming extending another class).

class Foo {}
class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor (input) {
    this.input = input // Error, `this` not yet defined
    super() // now `this` is available

new Bar()

In the above example, the value of this would be coming from the Foo constructor (though super will also perform the necessary updates to the instance's prototype for inheritance), so attempting to set a property on this before the Foo constructor has run via the call to super causes an error. Any access to this needs to happen after super because it's not until then that this exists.

Abusing Instance Creation in Superclass

One thing about this behavior is that it can also potentially cause problems depending on what the superclass is doing. Consider the following:

class Foo {
  constructor () {

class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor (input) {
    this.input = input // Error

new Bar()

Here, the superclass froze the instance with Object.freeze so the subclass is not able to add any more properties to it. Because the subclass has no access to this until after the superclass returns it via super, there's nothing it can do. Using the function syntax for constructors, however, this could be accessed before calling into the superclass.

function Foo () {
function Bar (input) {
  this.input = input
  Foo.call(this) // freezes, but property already added

new Bar()

Taking this further, we can use superclass initialization behavior to do some very unconventional things, such as adding private properties to any arbitrary, ordinary object.

class SetThis {
  constructor (thisValue) {
    return thisValue

class AddPrivateFoo extends SetThis {
  constructor (obj, initValue) {
    this.#foo = initValue
  getFoo () {
    return this.#foo

const { getFoo } = AddPrivateFoo.prototype
const myObj = {}
getFoo.call(myObj) // Error
new AddPrivateFoo(myObj, 'bar')
getFoo.call(myObj) // 'bar'

This example uses two classes to add a private property to an arbitrary JavaScript object. The object, myObj, is passed into the AddPrivateFoo constructor which then passes it to the SetThis superclass through super. SetThis simply returns the object it was given overriding it's own, automatically created version of this. Then, because superclasses in the class syntax determine this, this in AddPrivateFoo becomes myObj which allowed the private property #foo to be initialized for it. After the constructor resolves, the getFoo method correctly runs identifying the #foo property in myObj.

Additional Differences

Here are some additional, smaller differences you might also see with class functions:

Internal Slots Used with class

A list of internal slot values which are unique to class definitions.

Slot Where Value Description
[[FunctionKind]] class constructor functions "classConstructor" Differentiates between different kinds of functions where only class-defined constructors get "classConstructor".
[[ConstructorKind]] class constructor functions "derived" Will be "derived" if extending another class (otherwise is "base" like normal functions)
[[HomeObject]] class methods class prototype Used to determine how super calls are made within methods defined within class bodies. Note: object literals also support use of super and setting of [[HomeObject]], so technically this field could be replicated with non-class constructor methods if their prototype objects were defined with an object literal.